Karishma Tanna is all set to tie the knot with businessman Varun Bangera on February 5. On Thursday, the actress' pre-wedding festivities commenced with a haldi ceremony. She shared a few glimpses from her function on her Instagram account. The intimate get together of the couple was attended by their close friends and family members. It must be noted that Karishma Tanna made it Instagram official with Varun Bangera on January 1st this year. The actress posted pictures with her fiancé and wrote: "Thank you 2021. Excited for 2022. Happy New Year to you all." Take a look! Karishma and Varun reportedly first met a couple of years ago at a party. The duo hit it off instantly and had a low-key engagement ceremony last year, in presence of a few of her friends. A recent report in Pinkvilla shared more details about the couple’s upcoming nuptials. A source close to the development told the portal, “"They have planned all their functions keeping the Covid protocols in mind. Today's haldi event will be an intimate affair with only family and extremely close friends in attendance. This will be followed by mehendi tomorrow where both bride and the groom's side will be present to celebrate the union, but that too with limited guests. Karishma and Varun wanted to keep the decor classy and will be dominated by flowers and pastel colours."
In the pictures, we see Karishma wearing a gorgeous white outfit. She had accessorised her look with floral jewellery while Varun also chose to wear to complete the actress. Sharing a picture from the haldi, Karishma wrote in her caption, "Happiness galore, the smile says it all." Check out the post below:
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